Call for applications Learn Africa Canarias 2023
We are pleased to inform you that the Women for Africa Foundation has just launched the annual call for its Learn Africa Canarias 2023-24 online scholarship program with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Economy, Knowledge and Employment of the Government of the Canary Islands.
Since its launch in 2020, 670 women from 44 African countries have been able to enroll in one or more of the online courses assigned to the 900 scholarships offered under the program to date.
This year's call is characterized by the variety of subjects in which the courses are framed, such as renewable energies, new technologies, infectious diseases, tourism and women, economy, entrepreneurship or international relations, among others, and by the emphasis on the Spanish language. The call includes specialized short courses, Spanish courses and university courses designed by the Universities of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and La Laguna (ULL) and their foundations, Fundación Universitaria de Las Palmas (FULP) and Fundación General de la Universidad de La Laguna (FGULL), as well as by the Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias (ITC).
All of these courses will be taught online between September of this year and March 2024. All the information about the call, as well as the steps to follow to apply for a scholarship and the requirements of each course, are available on the Foundation's website. The period to apply for these scholarships starts today, September 5th, and will be open until September 20. The courses will be filled on a rolling bases, therefore, it is recommended to send the application as soon as possible to ensure a place.
Below you can find the links to the web pages of the call in Spanish, English and French, so that you can share them with those African women interested in applying for a scholarship:
Programa Learn Africa Canarias 2023
Etiquetas: cursos, convocatorias, Learn África Canarias 2023, Fundación Mujeres por África